Rai wakes up from an 820-year-long sleep and starts his new life as a student in a high school founded by his loyal servant, Frankenstein. But his peaceful days with other human students are soon interrupted by mysterious attackers known as the "Unions."
For 820 years, he had slumbered with no knowledge of mankind's advancement and scientific progress. The land which he once knew has become an unfamiliar place with new technology, attitudes, and lifestyles. Upon awakening, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel (aka Rai) seeks to familiarize himself with this era. He locates a loyal servant of his, Frankenstein, who is currently the principal of a high school in South Korea. Rai decides that this school is the perfect place to help him learn about the modern world, enrolls, and begins associating with a group of good-natured students in order to 'blend in.'
But this new world is no safer than the old, and the dignified, bewildered, technologically inept Rai finds himself embroiled in adventures both ridiculous and dangerous.